Friday, November 28, 2008

I Know It's Long, But..

Wednesday I listened to a fabulous sermon by Sinclair Ferguson on the tongue. The sermon was given at the 2008 National Desiring God Conference, hosted by John Piper, and was titled The Tongue, the Bridle, and the Blessing: An Exposition of James 3:1-12. It was a blessing to listen to the sermon, as the tongue has been at the heart of a battle in my own life. As many of you know, and I am sorry that you do, I have been reckless with the use of my tongue. It is a sin issue that blew up in my face about 2 years ago when my pride manifested itself in words flowing out of my mouth that proved to be untrue. It was not the only time that I have sinned with my tongue, it was clear sign that what was flowing off my tongue was exactly what was hidden in my heart. My tongue was running rampant; hurting and damaging others and showing exactly who I was in my heart. I had a big problem and I needed God's help. By His grace, through the study of His Word and the power of the Holy Spirit I have battled that sin issue in my life. By no means am I done with this particular sin issue and listening to this sermon reminded me how far I have to go. Ferguson did a wonderful job unpacking a very popular section of Scripture and explaining the damage that can be done by an untamed tongue. One very beneficial section of the sermon focused on a set of resolutions, in the style of Jonathon Edwards, to put into practice to combat the sin of an untamed tongue. Listed below is "Practical Council from James in Growing to Maturity with the use of my Tongue" according to Sinclair Ferguson. The reference after each resolution refers to the passages used to create this list. I pray that it will challenge you as it has me.

I resolve to ask God for wisdom to speak out of a single-minded devotion to Him. 1:5

I resolve to boast only in the exaltation I receive in Jesus Christ and the humility I receive from Jesus Christ. 1:9,10

I resolve to set a watch over my mouth. 1:13

I resolve to be constantly quick to hear and slow to speak. 1:19

I resolve to learn the Gospel way of speaking to both rich and poor. 2:1-4

I resolve to speak in the present consciousness of my final judgment. 2:12

I resolve never to stand on anyone’s face with the words I employ. 2:16

I resolve never to claim as reality in my life what I never truly experience. 3:14

I resolve to resist quarrelsome words as evidences of a bad heart that needs to be mortified 4:1

I resolve never to speak decided evil of another out of a heart of antagonism 4:11

I resolve never to boast in anything that I will accomplish 4:13

I resolve always to speak as one who is subject to the providences of God. 4:15

I resolve never to grumble, because I know the Judge is listening at the door. 5:9

I resolve never to allow anything but total integrity in everything I say. 5:12

I resolve to speak to God in prayer when I suffer. 5:13

I resolve to sing praises to God whenever I am cheerful. 5:14

I resolve to ask for the prayers of others when I am in need. 5:14

I resolve to confess it whenever I fail. 5:15

I resolve to pray with others for one another when I am with them. 5:15

I resolve to speak words of restoration when I see another wander. 5:19


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